Sunday, August 22, 2010

Boo's Sexy Laptop - Basic and Ultimate versions

I know I'm late! but i been all caught up in the Emerald drama (have officially uninstalled until they can earn back my trust). I might even do a blog about it...i mean everyone else's the new hip thing!!! O.o

Anyhoo, Boo's Bits is proud to present......

I know this may appear like a novelty item...which it is....but it is also a nice low prim Cuddle/Sex solution for people who want to cut back on prims...and's cute :)

Here is a handy Video you can watch at YouTube (fuckers deleted my audio track though. had to pick one of the generic ones they offer. lol) if you want to see it in action!!

When building this product i had only intended on releasing a single version (which is the ultimate). The problem i am running into is a certain license agreement from a certain animation creator who i shall not mention. They sent out a update to the terms of use with Full Perm animations a while back, which essentially specified that you could not sell a product below a certain price that contained their animations. They went as far as to calculate the minimum selling price for the number of animations included in the product...and note i didn't say for the animations they created that are in the is TOTAL animations in the product.

Normally i would just say "well fuck you then" and buy my animations elsewhere, but frankly part of my reputation is built on the quality of the animations i include, and as much as i hate to say it, they have some of the best ones and the largest variety. Still it leaves a sour taste in my mouth sometimes, like it did when i finished building this product and did the math.

This is the reason for a basic version. I removed each and every animation by the Creator i mention, then reset my price to whatever the hell i wanted upon release. I mean come is a LAPTOP...not a bed, not a couch....a 3 prim thingy designed to be that little something neat you have in your house that people go..."what's that? what does it do? ha ha! that's great!"

Whichever version you choose to buy, i have made sure to make them worth purchasing. Just know if you buy the Basic you are missing out on some very fantastic and sexy animations. That's not to say the ones in the basic suck by any means. I wouldn't have put them in if i thought they did (and really if there is anything people should have learned about me by now, I am REALLY REALLY picky about animations...i can't STAND people who say "quality animations" and don't deliver. And i hate even more people who pack a item with 300-500 animations, that you will probably never use, just for marketing)

Anyway here are the details on both and Marketplace links (yes i'll blog about the new marketplace soon too....i have my issues and compliments like anyone else)

Basic Version

Single Menu

6 Laptop Options - 3 Female and 3 Male Laptop Animations
6 Relax Options - Male and Female Sits and Lounge Animations
3 Naughty Options - 2 female and 1 male self pleasure Animations
1 Meditate Animation option


6 Male/Female Friend options
6 Female/Female Friend options
1 Massage Option


6 Cuddle Options
6 Sex Options


6 Cuddle/Kiss options
6 Sex Options

3 Prims total
69 Animations total

Ultimate Version

Single Menu

6 Laptop Options - 3 Female and 3 Male Laptop Animations
6 Sit Options - Male and Female Sit Animations
6 Relax Options - Male and Female Lay and Lounge Animations
6 Naughty Options - 3 female and 3 male self pleasure Animations
1 Meditate Animation option
1 Sleep Animation Option


6 Male/Female Friend options
6 Female/Female Friend options
1 Massage Option


9 Cuddle Options
10 Sex Options


9 Cuddle/Kiss options
9 Sex Options

3 Prims total
104 Animations total

NOTE: if the links provided above stop working (because i take them off sale and the stupid marketplace link changes) You can still find it In world or at my Marketplace Store

Ok that's it for now! I swear one of these days i'll get the blog post up the same day as the product release lol!



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