Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A few Product Updates

Hello everyone! I have been away for a bit in the strange land called Real Life, so I am sorry there havn't been many new products lately. Things are starting to calm down some so I am hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.

In the meantime I have managed to do a few quick upgrades to some existing products.

Boo's Kitchen Set - Wood now contains more animation options and has been reconfigured. Price increase of only 50L isn't that bad for what you get from it now.

Boo's Rugs: The original rugs have been gutted and refitted with new Animations, specifically in the Boy/Girl menu and threesome menus. No price changes on these, as the animation count stayed pretty much the same.

I will be doing more product upgrades over the next few weeks, then hopefully right back into new products for the Xmasy season!!

Short and sweet, that's all for now!

