Boo's Office Affair - Break Station
I always kind of had a master plan for the Office Affair series, and this is something i wanted to do for a while. The Office Break Room, complete with Table and chairs, Counter, Water cooler and all the animation goodness you'd expect!
I included a standard break menu, which lets you and up to two other avatars sit around and take a load off in the middle of your hard day of work! Also included are Adult menu options, for both Male/Female and Female/Female couples!
on sale now for 850L
The Girl/Girl Felix Bed!
The second new release this week is a Bed just for the girls! As most of you know, the whole reason i got into making furniture was because there was a serious lack of products with decent girl/girl animations in them. The menus in this new bed are a tribute to that goal, containing only the very best animations, and a new lovers sequence set specifically made for Girl/Girl couples.
The bed includes Single, Couple and group menus, as well as specific D/S menus. The real bonus to this bed though is the "Lovers" sequence, which contains animations not seen before in a Boo's product (to find these animations on their own, look for the Oversight sub menu in the intimate section)
The bed is available now at the store and on the marketplace, selling for only 1150L
Please come give it a try, specifcally the sequence! You're going to LOVE these animations
In Other News
This weekend I will be upgrading the original Lapdance Chairs. I want to menu match the V1 with the V2 as I have had several requests for this. This also means the price will be going up to match the V2 price, making the only difference between the chairs the design. So until I do the replacement i have put the Ultimate Black, Red and Purple single chairs on Sale for 1000L, down from 1350L. If you want to get the original chair, this will be your last chance to do it.
Also the Raffles will end this Friday, and I want to thank everyone who has entered! some of you have even won more than once, and I swear i have nothing to do with it. It's all random in the scripting! Anyway, right now there is a special prize in the raffle ball (tis a surprise!!) so don't forget to enter! It changes every day around Midnight!
And lastly a big thank you to all of you for your support this past year, and your continued support of Boo's. While I will be taking a vacation here, Boo's will still be here. And when i get back, I'll hopefully have all sorts of new crazy ideas to work with :)
That's it from me!!! Take care everyone!!
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Boo's Bits Main Store in Second Life