Saturday, June 26, 2010

Boo's Ultimate Lapdance Chair - Movin up the charts!

Well I can hardly believe it but i actually got a product on Xstreet to get on to the popular listing. In fact it has gone as high as 71 now! and that is something i never experienced before. It is such a nice feeling to get there. And it feels like vindication for all the hard work i put into this thing! I mean this wasn't just a throw together project. It was so very very important to me that it was perfect on release.

If you havn't seen the little promo video i did for it, here it is

Isn't that exciting? hehe. But it doesn't even BEGIN to show what the chair is capable of. I just didn't want to get in any trouble for having a too mature for youtube video :)

The full feature listing is available on the item itself which can be found here and of course you can try it at my store here

I had some questions as to why i made so many variations of it. The basic version is basically for those people who don't want to have sex animations in the chair, but still want it to be sexy. The ultimate of course is the whole damn package rolled into one. And the 3pack and 5packs were created specifically for club owners who might want to buy more than one. i wanted to offer discounts on bigger orders but didn't want to have to refund money for each one of them. So instead the bulk packs work better.

So what is next? well i am still working on a few buildings for the lil town series. Now there is a Lighthouse/Hostel , Radio Station, Pub, Two Story Office, Library, Bank and Warehouse. I have plans for an Adult Club (3 story almost completed), an apartment building, A Park and A Larger Office. As well as the Lil Town Marketplace, which will be shiney when i finally finish it. I expect these to be done by the end of summer.....hopefully before. hehe.

Then I will bundle them all into a big package, so if you want all of them...wait!! you'll save money on the package. If you want just one...don't wait!! you can enjoy it right now!

That's my lil blog entry for now. thanks for readin!!! MUAH xxx

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh my oh my i have a blog!!!

Helloooooooo and welcome to the Boo's Bits Blog!!!!

Um....yeah i was told i had to do at least a hello before posting other stuff :)

so Hello!

